
‘Entrepreneur’ word has been introduced in 1970 during the launching of New Economy Based. The word ‘entrepreneur’ comes from French word that is ‘entreprendre’ which means responsibility in doing task. Entrepreneur also can be defined as a person who works hard for a firm. Entrepreneur is an occupation that works in large scale in order to produce large amount of a certain products. According to Joseph A.Schumpeter, an economist stated that entrepreneur is an innovator that creates something new.
They also faces many challenges in business management and take high risks to improve productivity. They are brave enough to face challenges in life to achieve their goals. There is a website that explains the steps taken to achieve success (wadhwani). Wadhwani is founded by DR.Romesh Wadhwani whose mission it is to accelerate economic development in India and other emerging economies.The Wadhawani Foundation principally waorks through partnerships with like-minded individuals,organisations,corporations and governments. The website helps entrepreneur to improve their skills so whoever want to be entrepreneur can visit the website.


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